The ChessBrain project is powered by Open Source software, including the following key projects.
September 1st 2004
September 1st 2004 - Newbury Park California - The ChessBrain Project, the world's largest distributed chess computer, announced today that it has officially secured a new 2005 Guinness World Record as "The World's Largest Networked Chess Computer".
On January 30th 2004, the ChessBrain Network played a match game against Danish Chess Grandmaster, Peter Heine Nielsen, who is ranked as one of the world's top players in a live event during the 6th annual NordU USENIX 2004 Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.
"We're delighted to have set a new world's record in distributed computation, and honored to be listed in the 50th Anniversary edition of the Guinness World Record book. Our record was made possible by the dedication of our members over a three year period, we simply couldn't have done it without them!", said ChessBrain founder, Carlos Justiniano.
ChessBrain's record attempt was made possible by the Nordu Conference organizers, the Distributed Computing Foundation, and a group of corporate sponsors including YTHK Secure Enterprise Software, EHPG Networks, and TurboLinux.
ChessBrain set the new world record by leveraging the enterprise power of Linux and open source software to connect over 2000 machines from over 50 different countries during the live event.
About ChessBrain
ChessBrain became the first distributed computing network to play online chess. The ChessBrain project is a non-profit Internet experiment founded in
January 2002, and supported by hundreds of individuals from over fifty different countries.
Carlos Justiniano, ChessBrain Founder,
Cedric Griss, Distributed Computing Foundation,
Kenneth Geisshirt, NordU conference Programme Chair, organizing committee,
Jennifer Stephens, YTHK (now, known as Ecuity),,
Michelle Roy, President, EHPG Networks,,
Turbolinux, Inc.,
Site © 2005C.Justiniano[rss]
ChessBrain is co-developed by Carlos Justiniano (USA) and Colin Frayn (UK) with the support of thousands of individuals throughout the world. If you need to contact the authors directly you may use the contact information below. All other questions and comments should be directed to:
Carlos Justiniano
Colin Frayn